- Windows Download Integrator - By Alphawaves -
- Integrate multiple language packs, updates, drivers, serials, certificates, setup images and registry tweaks
Convert multiple language packs (exe to cab, Folder to cab)
Convert MSU to CAB
Download language packs (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8)
Download windows updates (McRip - Windows 7, Windows 8)
Download office updates (McRip - 2010, 2013)
Convert Windows 8 Professional to ProfessionalWMC
Enable/Disable features (offline)
Download Windows Updates (Microsoft)
Download Windows 7 SP1 ISO's
Integrate Windows Service Packs
Create Autounattend.xml
Backup Drivers
Remove Windows Components (offline)
Remove multiple languages
Add own setup images
Rebuild boot.wim
Rebuild install.wim
USB Tool
Create bootable USB
Create ISO
Create AIO
- Requirements:
- Windows 8, 7, Vista..
- .NET4
Josh Cell - Download hosting
user_hidden - (Dism in XP/Vista.. ryanvm-net.forum)
McRip - (updates)
rickendo64 - (updates - LDR mode)
abbodi1406 - Windows 8 Language Packs
[Author's Note]
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